Sunday, June 27, 2010

Catching you up!

Some cute stories from the last couple of months:
1. My mom is visiting and she's trying to make the bed. Madeleine immediately marches into the room and tells her to stop b/c she won't do it right like mommy does! I swear I don't know where she gets that from.

2. She absolutely adores church. I promise that if the Catholic Church allowed female priests, she would be one. She insists on getting her "God jewelry" when we are getting ready for church. When we went to mass this last weekend, she was wearing glow-in-dark rosary beads, a rosary bracelet and was able to participate in the prayers we've been working on at night. I was so impressed with her, but the couple behind us was gushing after mass at how precious she was through the whole mass. She really makes my heart proud with her love for church and God.

3. While watching the evening news, she informed me of the President and said his name was Barack Obama and her daddy taught her that. She is something amazing- everyday she shows me how much she grows (and listens to what we say, no matter how much I think she ignores me).

We've had so much fun the last couple of months and I thought I would finally bring everyone up to the present.

Madeleine has learned to ride her bike!

We had Matthew's squadron Change of Command events. We had a dinner, a ceremony and a great party afterwards! We are all thankful for our great friends we've made at the squadron. It was a great weekend and we are excited about the new commanding officer and his family.
Yes that is a kilt- Its a junior officer thing. (Love my officer and gentleman)

Our months have been jam packed with:
Participating in a summer kick off parade at the local library:

Learning Gymnastics:

Fishing with Daddy (when he's finally home):

Learning to Swim:

Trips to the museum with mommy:
Yummy special exhibit!

Black Berry picking at the Orchard:

We are also happy to say that our year of dance paid off well and we had a wonderful time at the recital. Granny, Great Peggy, Uncle Ricky, Nanny Chelsea, Aunt Brandi all made the trip in town to see our princess dance. We were so excited to find that Daddy made it back from deployment just hours before the performance!

And lastly, I'll leave you with a sneak peek at the belly bump- Baby Olivia will be here in just a couple more months! I'm so excited to introduce her to her big sister, Madeleine. Madeleine has already stated that she can't wait to hold her and kiss her and change her diaper!