Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sweet Summertime!

We are having a wonderful summer! It's been full of family, friends, and jellyfish. We are still loving our time here in Florida. The beaches are so amazing and we try to get down to the water a couple times each week. We also have the luxury of watching the Blue Angels practice a couple days a week before they leave for performances around the U.S. We enjoy working in our little garden area when we are home. Maddie is a great help and usually is rewarded with a Pop Ice and some bubbles.

July is a big birthday month in the family. We had a great time with an "adults only" weekend in New Orleans to celebrate Matthew's 30th birthday and Nanny's 40th. We don't recall all that much of the weekend, but we did manage to snap a few pictures of the other world that is New Orleans.

After returning from the New Orleans trip, my brother Ricky came to stay for a couple of weeks. His stay was followed by the rest of the Miller's coming into town. Gulf Shores seems to be a great and popular vacation spot for people from Louisiana. It was great to visit with everyone again, and this time we even let the kids be with us. We hosted a big bar-b-que on the weekend that all the family overlapped. Maddie really enjoys spending time with her cousins. It is fun to see her interact with other kids. She loves to play in the bath and never has minded getting her face wet. Her cousin Blake, however, hates water in his face. As you can see, Maddie got him good with her water guns. She's only allowed to have them in the tub, so I didn't have the heart to take them from her.

We took Ricky to visit the National Flight Museum here on base. Matthew had more fun than all of us put together, but it was a good opportunity for some cute pictures. We also went to a place called the Track. It is one of those tourists spots where you can ride go-carts and do all kinds of dangerous things to potentially ruin a good vacation. Madeleiene got to have her first go-cart ride. She loved every minute of it and waved happily as we would pass the people waiting in line. She really is not afraid of too many things (that must come from her father).

Matthew has started his second school of our three part series here in Florida. We still are quite a long way off from knowing where our next move will be. The people that have come before us assure us that we will not have too much time to ponder the situation and we should be ready to move in as little time as we had in Charleston (YAY)! For those of you who know my compulsive nature, you know how this thrills me so. I become completely intolerable over situations that I cannot control. I should have plenty to keep my mind busy for now. Madeleine will start visiting her friends on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings while I take my second half of anatomy.

It's been a wonderful summer full of moving to new places, seeing old faces and meeting some pretty great new ones. I'll be happy to get back into the swing of fall with school and a somewhat normal schedule. I hope everyone has a safe return from their vacations and is ready to head back to the grind of school and work.

We love you all and send big hugs!