Sunday, November 25, 2007

We've Moved!!!

We actually made it to South Carolina. It was quite a drive to get here, but we did it (in 1 day)! Matthew, Madeleine, Jolie, and I are settling in nicely. We are living in North Charleston on the Weapons Station. It's nice to be back on a base to be able to shop at the commissary and have everything so close. There is a park in the back yard that Madeleine loves to play at everyday. We got pretty lucky and got a four bedroom one story house with a screened porch and fenced backyard. There is plenty of room for all of us now. Madeleine even has her own playroom with dress-up corner. Here are some pictures of the house:

Living Room Dining Room Maddie's Room Maddie's Playroom

Maddie's Playroom Maddie's Bath
Master Bedroom
I know there aren't really too many pictures on the walls, but we're trying to find new one's we like. You get the idea of the house though!
We celebrated Thanksgiving just the four of us. Even Jolie was invited to the table for dinner. It wasn't as great as being at Nanny's gathered around the family with all the fun that goes along with it, but we are lucky to have been together. Now that we are back on a base, I'm reminded that every holiday Matthew is home is a treasured one.

I did spend my second Black Friday as a mom outside Toys R Us at 4am to purchase Madeleine a remote controlled Jeep that she drug around the store the week prior. Of course, I didn't get one due to the fact that there was already about 150 people in line ahead of me. I truly found this to be such nonsense and I have vowed to never do such a ridiculous thing again.

In other news, we are into the full potty training mode and all is going well. I know that you may recall the toilet she received last year for Christmas, well now we are serious. I didn't realize that these days most people wait until the child is already 2 to potty train. I thought the training should be done by the age of 2. In looking at part time preschools for Madeleine to attend, I had to ask if there was even potties in the room because everyplace we visited talked about us bringing plenty of diapers for her. They gave me such looks when I asked and most told me that they don't really start to encourage that until they are 2 and don't really stress it until 2 1/2!!!

So it's true, as I said above, I'm breaking away from full time mommy to send Madeleine to school in the mornings. I have decided to return to college. We are all really excited and I can't wait to see how Madeleine will thrive with more friends her own age. I'll keep you all posted on how we both handle the change.

We are meeting our neighbors and already have a standing playdate after nap with the girls across the street. We are hosting a gathering on Christmas Eve for the few neighbors we have to get everyone together and visit. We are planning on having about 5 families and set up the porch for the kids to decorate cookies for Santa. It should be a nice way to spend the holiday.

We have an appointment to finally have our family pics done this week so I'll be mailing out Christmas cards with an updated family photo to everyone. I have finally finished all the shopping and wrapped every gift. It is a nice sense of accomplishment to be done so soon.

I'll update again after Madeleine has her meeting with Santa. I hope you all have a wonderful and most blessed holiday season! We are sending our love and prayers of a safe and joyous new year!

I did promise a picture of Maddie from Halloween, so here she is!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Another month BUZZES by....

Wow! The time has flown by. I can't believe that we are packing up to leave already. It hardly seems as though we've been here for three years. We are so excited and are ready to meet the challenge of settling into a new place. We've heard wonderful things about Charleston from everyone we meet. Going back to live on a base is a welcome thing for us, seeing as how we've braved Galveston for three years. It will be nice to have a yard Madeleine can safely play in, go for walks without worry of being accosted, and sleep peacefully since we won't fear our home or vehicles being burglarized.

Yes, it will be bittersweet. I know that Mom and Grandmother are crying just reading this, so take heart and know we will miss the family and hope you visit soon! There will be lots we can explore in our new hometown.

Madeleine seems to know that the move is upon us, too. She is quite crabby and acting out at times. It could also be a case of terrible twos. We have explained to her about the move and how we'll take all of our things and the dog, but we'll have to talk to Granny on the computer with the web camera instead of at our weekly lunches. We think Madeleine is very bright and is taking in the whole conversation until she points at her dolls and says "Dora, Dora". We then assure her that Dora will make the move too and all is right in her world again.

In other news, Matthew ran his first 10K for Breast Cancer Awareness. He did a wonderful job and we are really proud of him. Madeleine had so much fun clapping for all the runners as they came across the finish line. Of course, her favorite thing was listening to Mommy's IPod.

As fall comes to the island, we've enjoyed our time outside. We've had some wonderful afternoons in the park. Madeleine also visited her first pumpkin patch, where she was very sure they were all balls, not pumpkins. We took some random pics at the patch, because Madeleine was afraid of the scarecrows at the picture spot there.

We decided to celebrate Halloween with our little princess who stunned the neighborhood by beeeeing the cutest Bumble Bee the Woodlands has ever seen. She walked holding Mommy and Daddy's hands to a few select friends and so graciously blew kisses for each treat she attained.
It was as all the holidays have been since her birth, magical. She was just precious in her costume and the manner in which she carried herself was so mature. ---I'll have to post pics in her costume later. Mom has all the good ones on her camera.

I truly hope that this post finds all our friends and family in good health and spirits as the holidays approach. I will post again after the move and keep in touch as we prepare to spend our first holidays without our families and celebrate just Matthew, Madeleine, Jolie (the dog), and myself.
