Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Birthday Girl goes to the Farm! (March)

Daddy was flying most of March so mommy and Madeleine had some fun play time. We went to Orr Family Farm and had a great morning together. Madd was so excited about the horses and riding one. She was even more excited to find out the horse she was riding on was named "Sister". She told the horse all about how she was going to be a sister too! Her trip to the farm was the perfect outing to show off the new cowboy boots Granny purchased for her.

Our other March happening was a birthday for our little princess. Who can believe its been four years since we welcomed her into our lives? She is such a blessing and reminds me daily to smile with her sweet words and big mommy hugs and kisses.

She had a fun day with her friends and loved that Uncle Stacy and Aunt Sue sent make-up in her birthday present!!!

We finished off the month with our pre- Easter events. These are pics from an egg hunt where the older kids were not allowed to use baskets to collect the eggs and they had to hop like a bunny. It was so cute to watch them go!

Another great month!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Just going to try to catch up a little bit.

We took Maddie to see one of her all time favorite things- BULLRIDIN'. We had a blast and Madeleine was even treated with front row seats to the action. I don't know what it is about the sport she loves, but she sure loves it.

Matthew and I were honored to be the godparents of our nephew, Jameson. He is such a sweet, happy baby. We had a wonderful time visiting and loving on our godson. Matthew and Madeleine and I really enjoyed playing with a baby and are getting excited about our own baby on the way!

Fun month with my lovely family!