September has almost gone and fall is in the air. We've spent much of this month doing just as the title suggests. The first of the month we watched in horror and complete sadness as our old home in Galveston was inundated by hurricane Ike. Our friends, colleagues, and classmates were scattered around the state and some stayed in the very city they loved. Galveston, though not our most favorite town while we lived there, has so many special memories for us. We had three wonderful years there. Madeleine was born and spent her first year of life there. We walked her along the seawall and watched Mardi Gras parades along the very boulevard the news crews showed covered with water and debris. As we watched the Strand become flooded with water more than chest high in most places, we recalled ice cream at the Emporium and all my favorite gift shops. We recalled our priest at every mass during Hurricane Season saying a prayer for the Blessed Mother to protect our island and our people. I'm glad to report that all of our friends and loved ones faired well from the storm. Our old house, just 6 blocks back from the seawall and built in 1920 made it through the storm. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of Texas as the rebuilding begins. The storm made for some pretty wild weather here before heading to Texas. We had the opportunity to take some great pictures on the beach.
Now onto leaping forward. I had my first exam days after Ike's landfall (wonderful timing, right)! I did somehow come out with a 100. Matthew is doing well and finished his second training with "flying" colors. He will begin Primary this week.
Madeleine is settling into her school routine and making friends. The mom's group I joined has had tons of opportunities for Madeleine and I to make friends. She has her favorites, mainly, Ethan at the moment. We attended his soccer game on Saturday and they acted so grown with one another. Ethan, who is 4, hugged Maddie and thanked her for coming and she returned with a pat on the back and a "good job". Then, the two proceeded to hold hands and talk all the way back to the car.
I'm sure that you all remember the extreme drama that surrounded Madeleine's (or should I say my) attempt at ballet in Charleston. I was sure that I would never own pictures of my sweet little ballerina at her dance revue, like every other mom I know. Well, guess what folks??? There may be hope for me yet. Last week, Madeleine asked to have her ballet shoes down from her closet. I don't just leave them down, because the stupid things were like $50! I did take them down and she proceeded to put them on and ask me to tie them. Once she was all set in her shoes, she went straight into the family room and showed her dad "TAP, TAP, pull-it-behind, and CURTSY". I almost died! I could hardly believe she even remembered the classes, because I danced the steps with her on my hip crying the whole hour. She has chosen to repeat this little act quite regularly. I'm hoping that in time, the money will be well spent on another go at it. I'm sure you all can't wait to hear how my drama queen will take to classes next time.
Granny came for a nice visit after Ike. She had no power and we thought she should come to this century and live for a week with power and air conditioning. It was a great visit, if not too short. I miss having my best girlfriend be close. I hope Granny/ Mom had as much fun with our girl gossip sessions as I did. While Mom was here, we took her to some of our favorite places. We enjoy Thursday nights on the pier with a good band and some Sesame character usually shows up for the kids. Maddie prefers dancing to meeting scary furry characters up close and personal. It makes for a nice evening with a picnic by the water. On her last night here, we went out for dinner on the bay.
We made the leap to attend a Saturday night mass this weekend. We normally go at some point on Sunday, but we have a full day planned and decided to try something different. I showered and dressed in a satin top, caplet sweater and black pants. Matthew then came in and told me that it was a Saturday night mass and maybe I should wear jeans with my dressy top. I thought that sounded alright and made the change. He wore khakis, a polo shirt, and sandals. We didn't think to dress Maddie either, assuming this mass would be a little more casual. I will say that the mass was in fact different than Sunday's. We were the youngest people there by 60 years and we were slighty underdressed for the task Matthew accepted. Picture this... I enter mass, we get settled in our pew and I begin to pray. I'm kneeling there, recalling my week behind and pondering the next week and Matthew is tapped on the shoulder by a woman with a lace veil, looking very pious. They exchange a few words and she leaves. As I finish my prayer and start to prepare for the readings, Matthew informs me that we were asked to bring the gifts to the altar. I am immediately aware that we will be proceeding to the front of the church with the HOLY EUCHARIST and I'm in jeans and he in sandals. I'm sure that God will find it to forgive us for our informal dress this one mass, atleast I hope anyway.
I hope everyone has a wonderful October and that fall weather befalls our friends still suffering with some power issues in the wake of Hurricane Ike.
We made the leap to attend a Saturday night mass this weekend. We normally go at some point on Sunday, but we have a full day planned and decided to try something different. I showered and dressed in a satin top, caplet sweater and black pants. Matthew then came in and told me that it was a Saturday night mass and maybe I should wear jeans with my dressy top. I thought that sounded alright and made the change. He wore khakis, a polo shirt, and sandals. We didn't think to dress Maddie either, assuming this mass would be a little more casual. I will say that the mass was in fact different than Sunday's. We were the youngest people there by 60 years and we were slighty underdressed for the task Matthew accepted. Picture this... I enter mass, we get settled in our pew and I begin to pray. I'm kneeling there, recalling my week behind and pondering the next week and Matthew is tapped on the shoulder by a woman with a lace veil, looking very pious. They exchange a few words and she leaves. As I finish my prayer and start to prepare for the readings, Matthew informs me that we were asked to bring the gifts to the altar. I am immediately aware that we will be proceeding to the front of the church with the HOLY EUCHARIST and I'm in jeans and he in sandals. I'm sure that God will find it to forgive us for our informal dress this one mass, atleast I hope anyway.
I hope everyone has a wonderful October and that fall weather befalls our friends still suffering with some power issues in the wake of Hurricane Ike.