I did spend my second Black Friday as a mom outside Toys R Us at 4am to purchase Madeleine a remote controlled Jeep that she drug around the store the week prior. Of course, I didn't get one due to the fact that there was already about 150 people in line ahead of me. I truly found this to be such nonsense and I have vowed to never do such a ridiculous thing again.
In other news, we are into the full potty training mode and all is going well. I know that you may recall the toilet she received last year for Christmas, well now we are serious. I didn't realize that these days most people wait until the child is already 2 to potty train. I thought the training should be done by the age of 2. In looking at part time preschools for Madeleine to attend, I had to ask if there was even potties in the room because everyplace we visited talked about us bringing plenty of diapers for her. They gave me such looks when I asked and most told me that they don't really start to encourage that until they are 2 and don't really stress it until 2 1/2!!!
So it's true, as I said above, I'm breaking away from full time mommy to send Madeleine to school in the mornings. I have decided to return to college. We are all really excited and I can't wait to see how Madeleine will thrive with more friends her own age. I'll keep you all posted on how we both handle the change.
We are meeting our neighbors and already have a standing playdate after nap with the girls across the street. We are hosting a gathering on Christmas Eve for the few neighbors we have to get everyone together and visit. We are planning on having about 5 families and set up the porch for the kids to decorate cookies for Santa. It should be a nice way to spend the holiday.
We have an appointment to finally have our family pics done this week so I'll be mailing out Christmas cards with an updated family photo to everyone. I have finally finished all the shopping and wrapped every gift. It is a nice sense of accomplishment to be done so soon.
I'll update again after Madeleine has her meeting with Santa. I hope you all have a wonderful and most blessed holiday season! We are sending our love and prayers of a safe and joyous new year!